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Excursion 4 : El Jem – Mahdia

ECO TREND PACKS Selected visits and activities Visits : Excursion 4 : El Jem – Mahdia 08.30 : Departure from Kairouan to El Jem ( UNESCO Heritage site ) El Jem ( UNESCO Heritage site ) Gastronomie in Mahdia 10.00 : Arrival to El Jem coliseum , visit the fabulous site and the... Read More

Excursion 3 : Makthar – Kesra

ECO TREND PACKS Selected visits and activities Visits : Excursion 3 : Makthar – Kesra 08.00 : Departure from Kairouan to Makthar 09.30 : Arrival to the ancient numidian city of Makthar and visit its main sites Such as the Forum – The Grand Thermes and the museum 11.30 : Departure... Read More

Excursion 2 : Full day visit of Djebel Serj National Park

ECO TREND PACKS Selected visits and activities Visits : Excursion 2 : Full day visit of Djebel Serj National Park Designed for Speleology lovers 08.00 : Departure from Kairouan 09.30 : Arrival to Dar Khlifa : take up the equipment for your caves discovery hike 11.00 : Arrival to... Read More

Excursion 1 : Ain Jloula – National Parc Zaghdoud – Sidi Rimani

ECO TREND PACKS Selected visits and activities Visits : Excursion 1 : Ain Jloula – National Parc Zaghdoud – Sidi Rimani 08.00 : Departure from Kairouan to Ain Jloula . Visit the surroundings concealing many caves sheltering prehistoric vestiges 11.00 : Continue to the National... Read More

Excursion 2 : OUDHNA – THUBURBO MAJUS ( HD )

ECO TREND PACKS Selected visits and activities Visits : Excursion 2 : OUDHNA – THUBURBO MAJUS ( HD ) Archeology Blend 08.00 : departure from Zaghouan to the archaeological site of Oudhna 08.45 : Arrival and visit the imosing site with its Capitol , Amphitheater and Cisterns 09.45... Read More


ECO TREND PACKS Selected visits and activities Visits: Excursion 1 : BERBER VILLAGES DISCOVERY ( HD ) ZRIBA – JRADOU – TAKROUNA : The Three Brother Berber Legend 08.00 : departure from Zaghouan to the ancient village of berber origin , Zriba Olia , A magical place with stunning... Read More