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Sfax is a busy commercial and manufacturing center and the second wealthiest city after Tunis. Visit its charming and authentic Medina, and its maze of little streets. The Kasbah is behind a ribat of which only the mosque is left. It hosts an excellent small architectural museum.... Read More

Bulla Regia

A former Roman city near modern Jendouba. It is noted for its Hadrianic-era semi-subterranean housing, a protection from the fierce heat and effects of the sun. Many of the mosaic floors have been left in situ; others may be seen at the Bardo Museum, Tunis. There is also a small... Read More


The fourth holiest city of Islam and the first Arab capital of North Africa, Kairouan is located at the center of the country, 160km south of Tunis. Discover its religious cachet, the beautiful architecture of the Medina, the ninth century great mosque of Oqba ibn Nafi, an... Read More


Carthage The oldest Phoenician settlement on the coast of North Africa, and its glorious monuments: the Anthonin thermes, the Tophet at Salambo, the Amphitheatre, the Punic ports and the Acropolium. Once home to Hannibal and his elephants, and the big Mediterranean rival to the... Read More