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From desert oases to Carthaginian ruins, Tunisia is bound to delight your senses. Discover the date palm fields and taste the sun-kissed olives on your journey through this fantastic North African destination. Marvel in the largest collection of ancient mosaics in the world, the... Read More

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“PromoTunisia was founded in 2002 as the English speaking marketing arm of Promotel, a long established and highly respected inbound operator. The company’s mission is to target the U.S. market, specifically clients interested in archeology and culture, with offerings... Read More


Tunisia is one of the few places in the world where our visitors can compress centuries of history into a pleasant environment.  Melting pot of the Mediterranean Weaving of influences, at the crossroads of Africa, the East and the West, in the heart of the Mediterranean ethnic... Read More


The successive races who have lived and intermarried have helped, with their various tastes and customs, influence the Tunisian cuisine.  Entrees A favorite way to prepare young lamb is coucha – portions of shoulder meat are rubbed with a sauce of olive oil, salt, a sprig... Read More


Explore the edges of the World’s largest desert and its oases, haven of peace surrounded by dunes stretching to infinity The main oases, which must have seemed visions of paradise to early travelers, nourish countless date palms. You will also discover species of flora and... Read More


A 3,000 years history provides Tunisia with an exceptionally rich legacy. After 700 years of rule, Roman influence was replaced by that of the Vandals and later the Byzantines. In 670AD, Muslims invading the Byzantine kingdom founded the city of Kairouan, which became the Arab... Read More


 Culture Tunisia’s cultural heritage has many attractive facets… Our National Costumes In most Tunisian regions, women’s costumes are largely varied and highly refined. Weaving and embroidery vary from one region to another. The used fabrics are adapted to needs and... Read More


 Nature Tunisia unites various geographical, climatic and cultural characteristics that make it ideal for lovers of areas where the sea, mountains and forests overlap. Tunisia’s dazzling sites and its landscape are combined in a small area which comprises the mysterious... Read More

Tunisia: compress centuries of history into a pleasant environment

Tunisia is a country full of contrasts that possesses the gift of harmony: it has witnessed successive civilization of opposing cultures, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Turks, Arabs, Spaniards, French, and yet in spite of the ruins and the bloodshed, the scars left are not... Read More


One the most interesting Tunisian oases, Tozeur is encircled by a beautiful palm plantation. Taste the excellent local dates and visit the local gardens, at the sound of the rippling water. Also visit the Andalusian style Medina and the Dar Chraiet museum.Read More